The WNBA is just as good as the NBA.
SubwayRider, October 23, 2021, 1761 views, 462
Women’s basketball may not have as many dunks, but the players are more strategic and agile.
Guest User 126, 76 views, 2 rebuttals, 0
Watch Kyrie Irving play basketball.
Jesus Christ, 8 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
This dude is trash and washed
LilNasX, 5 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
What evidence is there that woman's basketball players are more strategic and agile? I am happy to concede this point as long as there is actual evidence that the WNBA is MORE strategic than the NBA
ardiv, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Name one WNBA player more strategic and agile than steph curry
Guest User 127, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Men and women are equally good at everything, and it is actually a myth that men are stronger, faster, etc.
SubwayRider, 113 views, 1 rebuttals, 2
lmao shut up dumb dumb
Guest User 883, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
thats cap men are stronger and faster
Guest User 659, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
dababy, 6 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Look at the top weight lifters in the world. They are all male. Males are biologically more physically enhanced than women.
Peterdrumm4, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 1
That is extremely incorrect. Males have a biological advantage over women when it comes to physical performance.
Allah, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
women aren't as entertaining, there's a reason why the sum of 68 nba players' salaries > the entire wnba league's salary comibned
Guest User 847, 30 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
This might be true, however, this doesn't mean the NBA can't actually pay attention to the WNBA's needs. These women are actually making a change in the world by proving that women can play sports just like men and still get an audience.
Guest User 851, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Women are worse at dunking, shooting, running, and they're not as big. Also none of them come close to the skill level of Lebron, Curry, Durant, Doncic, Kyrie, Giannis, Kawhi. Need I say more
Guest User 487, 13 views, 1 rebuttals, 1
Dunking? These women are way shorter than the average man in the NBA.
Guest User 852, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Watch Ja Morant play and come back here and try to agree
imoloo, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
No WNBA player is better than the top 30 NBA player.
imoloo, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Something I find is that the vast majority of people who say that mens and womens basketball are equal dont actually know anything about basketball, and are just blindly advocating for womens rights. Most basketball players in actuality understand that mens and womens basketball are very different. Its not accurate to say things such as woman are better shooters, or they are more agile, or are smarter because its simply not true. The pacing is completely different, so these are not accurate metrics. Many women have higher shooting percentages but they play with a bigger ball, and shots tend to be less contested. Women may seem to make smarter plays but the pacing is MUCH slower. The fact is that the REAL differences are the athleticism and pacing, but these are also the merits of womens basketball. For new players who want to better understand the game or learn the fundamentals, womens basketball is better because new players wont be athletic yet and will play at a slower pace.
Guest User 305, 8 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Men have a biological advantage over women that also applies to professional sports.
Guest User 220, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
The average WNBA player is 5ft 9 while the average NBA player is 6ft 7. The added height means more athletic plays as players can get to the bucket easier.
Guest User 117, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Look at shooting percentages, scores, and loads of other stats for plenty of evidence.
Peterdrumm4, 11 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Okay?? Give us some stats then you misogynist. You just make a claim then don't support it at all lmaoo.
Guest User 734, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
22 dunks in WNBA history. Rudy Gobert had 27 dunks in one game. Need I say more?
Guest User 102, 70 views, 0 rebuttals, 2
Basketball is not just about dunking . . . what about passing, shooting, and agility? Women are just as good or even better in those departments.
SubwayRider, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 1
The NBA is more exciting because the games are more fast-paced.
Gigglesaurus, 2 views, 0 rebuttals, 0