Should the US send troops to Ukraine?
admin, February 28, 2022, 859 views, 3
Yes if we do it correctly. Small amounts of troops won’t do anything but we use our full military might the war will be over in two weeks and we will have American tanks rolling through Moscow.
Duppend, 252 views, 7 rebuttals, 0
But, if we do. Russia unleashes their full arsenal on us, even if we do win the death toll will be so large that at some point it wont be worth it. Also the Russian army is already beginning to desert. Also if we do send any amount of troops to Ukraine it means world war 3, which is bad. Very bad. World war 3 can only end with nukes and the end of the modern world.
Your_friendly_n..., 71 views, 6 rebuttals, 0
Isn't there a possibility that once we station troops in Ukraine, Russia realizes that they do not want to start WW3 and thus pulls out of Ukraine?
LilNasX, 2 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
Bro is the risk worth it though? Even if there was an 80% chance that Russia would pull out because of foreknowledge of mutually assured destruction, is that worth a 20% chance of the end of humanity?
SubwayRider, 4 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
I would say the risk of Russia nuking everybody is pretty much 0% because, as you say, they have knowledge of MAD.
LilNasX, 1 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
How do you now it is 0% though. Do you really think that Putin is not irrational enough to start a nuclear war? The fact that we are having the debate on the possibility means that it is very far from nonzero.
SubwayRider, 1 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
What does that even mean lol.
LilNasX, 2 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
It means that the fact that we can both make reasonable claims about random percentage chances that Putin will nuke the world means that it is probably not 0. It is just as likely for it to be 0 as it is to be 30, for example. We have no clue because everything is just hypothetical.
SubwayRider, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
It would be helpful for the U.S., and other European powers, to send a team to help protect President Zelenskyy. Stories have circulated telling of Russian mercenaries hired to kill the president. The main goal of the Russian invasion seems to be to destabilize the government and to install a Putin loyalist as president. The U.S., at little cost in lives to its own or to Russian troops, could help prevent Russia’s plan from fully coming to fruition.
luke, 24 views, 1 rebuttals, 1
What if Russian intelligence found out that the US was sending troops into Ukraine? Even troops that would function as "bodyguards" would count, and could even be mistaken for a larger force or a pretext for the entire US army. Wouldn't that trigger a nuclear response from Putin?
Guest User 903, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Yes, it could help Ukraine win. If US sends troops to Ukraine, they might help Ukraine hold back Russian troops. In addition, this could be the reason that Ukraine wins. If US sends troops to Ukraine, this might trigger Russia into retreating, since the US might be too much for Russia. Lastly, if US sends troops to Russia, other countries might follow this too (particularly European ones) and cause Russia to stop the attack.
mkulman, 28 views, 1 rebuttals, 1
I think your comment was written with good intention, but it just doesn't realize the actualities of the cruel world we live in. Russia annexing Ukraine is an inevitability, and the US cannot do anything to stop it unless we want a full on US-Russian war. Think about it this way- What is in the best interests for the people of the world? The current situation, or a very large chance of a conflict between the US and the "Bear" that could very well go nuclear and result in human extinction.
Konrad, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
The invasion has gone on for weeks, and it looks like Ukraine can defend Russia by itself. The US sending troops would just increase the chance of WW3 and nuclear winter, and at the very least give Russia cause to unleash more of their military capability on Ukraine.
Guest User 907, 167 views, 1 rebuttals, 1
It doesn't matter if Russia "unleashes more of their military capability on Ukraine" because if the US is there Russia stands no chance. Russia's military budget is only 8% of the US budget. US coupled with Ukraine will destroy Russia.
Guest User 908, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
No, this could hurt Ukraine even more. If the US sends troops to Ukraine, this might trigger Russia (and allies such as Belarus) into sending more troops and misiles to Ukraine in order to fight the US troops in addition to the Ukrainian ones. During WW2, when 6 million Jews dies, over 20 million Russians dies, showing that they WILL get what they want, no matter the sacrifice. So, if US sends more troops to Ukraine, Russia can double their forces, and maybe even use a Nuclear Missile, to completely ruin Ukraine forever. US should just continued to protest and sanction Russia, and UN should discuss this as a whole, not just the US. Lastly, maybe US could get allies in UN or get a peace treaty instead of sending troops to Ukraine.
mkulman, 43 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
Don't you care about the lives of Ukrainians though. Hundreds of thousands will 100% die in the status quo, but everything you are saying is purely hypothetical. A risk calculus says that it is best to send US troops to Ukraine, because I think Putin would simply back off because he knows he cannot beat the US army.
Guest User 904, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
At this point in the war, Vladimir Putin most likely WANTS the United States and NATO to send troops into Ukraine because of two main reasons. The first reason is that right now, all that this war is in the eye of the world is Russia trying to bully its weaker neighbor into submission, as there is not much more of a reason beyond that for invading. The Russian people most likely know this too, and that combined with the fact that Russia is not crushing Ukrainian resistance as easily as it hoped it would is lowering overall support for Putin, country morale, and making many Russian troops desert their posts. If NATO were to send troops into this war, or even so much as establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine, The Kremlin would immediately seize it as an opportunity for propaganda, turning it from just another political war against a weak enemy into a war for freedom and to protect the motherland. Lastly, If NATO were to intervene in this conflict, Russia would no doubt call on China and their other allies, who now all have a much better reason
wyan, 2 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Although Ukraine has been under siege for weeks now, and there have been a number of atrocities committed against Ukrainian peoples, it isn’t logical for the US to send troops to Ukraine, as doing so could enact a Third World War. Additionally, the invasion has been going on for so long, that I’m not sure our help would really impact the fight. The only thing that would change would be our standing in relation to Russia; we would no longer be moderately “neutral”. Especially due to the fact that a WWIII would mean the use of nukes, which would undoubtedly lead to devastation.
Guest User 920, 35 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
I believe that the US should hold back from aiding the soldiers in Ukraine. but saying such thoughts will not help in my argument. But there are more factual reasons as to why I chose this side. For one, the advancement of technology and its destruction. In the past, US soldiers will die and that will be it. Nowadays war weapons will not only kill thousands more soldiers but such weapons can extend to the civilians in our own country. Secondly, we should remember that aiding them will be more costly than simply refusing to buy Russia’s fuel. if we take part in this war, the future spending of the later generations will be limited. The American government spends around an estimated $5.4 Trillion in appropriations so far and an additional minimum of $1 Trillion for U.S. obligations to care for the veterans of these wars through the next several decades. There is much more to this, in which the US pays through debts. With debts, there are also interest payments. The interest payments themselves have already reached 1 trillion dollars so far and would increase to around 6 trillion by 2030. If we participate in such a war, interest payments will stack faster.
Guest User 917, 51 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
The US sending troops into Ukraine would give Russia cause to start a nuclear war while accomplishing little. This is because Ukraine actually has more active soldiers on the battlefield than Russia. Interfering would change nothing.
Guest User 914, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
The answer is simple, if we don’t want World War III, don’t send troops to get involved in a conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
imoloo, 2 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Ukraine now has more active soldiers than Russia. It would be better to send missiles and equipment rather than soldiers. Furthermore weapons are less tradable giving Russia less reason to use nuclear alternatives.
Guest User 910, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Sadly for Ukraine, they are not part of NATO, and the US as no obligation to send troops into war. Things rarely end well when the US tries to interfere in other countries' wars, and entering Ukraine would prove to be devestating for all countries involved. Yes, allowing the takeover of Ukraine sets a bad precedent, but the US is doing what they can from afar. And escalating to what would likely be a nuclear war would set an even worse precedent of using full force for no-so-close allies and would prove devestating for all Americas. This isn't WWII where we ship men overseas. All of the United States would be put at risk if the country decided to fight unnescessarily.
Guest User 901, 26 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
This would turn the current cold / economic war into a real hot war and escalate the situation, potentially to a nuclear war. Of course this is not a great solution as the Ukranians are left to fight for themselves , but short of a coup within Russia there are no good options currently.
Guest User 895, 13 views, 0 rebuttals, 0