Should the US sanction Belarus?
admin, February 28, 2022, 363 views, 0
Yes, the US should sanction Belarus because this might help persuade Belarus to stop helping Russia, and furthermore make Russia surrender. In addition, this could result in so much money lost, that Russia and Belarus might have to quit the war based on resources. Lastly, the US should sanction Belarus since it will give Belarus less opportunities to do things, since they have less money (such as getting more resources).
mkulman, 14 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
No, the US should not sanction Belarus because it won’t do anything besides cause chaos. Russia appointed the president of Belarus personally, so they are in very good terms, and sanctions to Belarus won’t help with the war. If tanks entered through Belarus, that suggests quite a good bond, so they wouldn’t betray Russia. Lastly, Russia has China and India supporting them (buying products from Russia) so Russia and Belarus will still have enough resources to fight this war.
mkulman, 14 views, 0 rebuttals, 0