Should parents have more say about their children’s education?
NYCdebater, December 11, 2022, 261 views, 0
Yes, parents are tax-payers and should have a say of what public schools focus on
Guest User 1089, 0 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
Parents can already do that via school boards. Same as with elected politicians, we have a representative democracy and not a 'who shouts the loudest can ban a book in the library'system
NYCdebater, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Same as have an indirect / representative democracy overall and not a direct democracy as in Athens, we elect school boards and the schools have an administration in place to handle matters of education and curriculum. You can't have individual parents interfere with that, that would be chaos
Guest User 1111, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Parents can participate in the process via School Boards. However, what books to read should be up to Educators and not some potentially politically motivated parents, whether they are on the School Board or not
NYCdebater, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0