Can cancel culture ever do more good than harm?
cow22, May 28, 2021, 1172 views, 1
Yes, if not abused. I think that there is way too much of an ideological orthodoxy that happens anywhere progressives get their hands on. However, it is dually true that wrongdoings do call for the offenders to be held accountable. The objective for our society is to balance the amount of cancel culture so true offenders do get punished and others do not.
Gigglesaurus, 0 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
What do you mean when you talk about balancing the amount of cancel culture in our society? I think everybody would agree with the premise of a balanced amount being better, but that is exactly where the debate is. Do you think no offense deserves permanent cancellation? Or do you think many offenses deserve permanent cancellation? Are there offenses that people cannot make right no matter what they do? If so, wouldn't it be right to cancel those people?
Hi, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
In the end it is not “Twitter” that cancels someone. It is either a company that, say, fires a journalist or a political party does not continue to support a member. These institutions make mostly a rational business or political decision whether that person is still beneficial to them or not. On other words, if the transgression is serious enough, they will proceed to ‘cancel’, it not they won’t. So online discourse about people’s behavior is a net positive
Guest User 1032, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Yes, if the reason for the ‘cancellation’ is serious. Harvey Weinstein should absolutely be cancelled, but Dave Chapelle should not
Guest User 994, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
The goal of "cancel culture" is to hold people accountable so that they can learn from their mistakes and grow as a person. Granted, sometimes it has gone off the rails (ex death threats) but if no one ever pointed out something was wrong, nobody would ever learn. Also, it can be argued that celebrities and social media stars should be held to a higher standard in regards to their behavior because they have a fanbase that looks up to them and learns from them.
cow22, 33 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
They are just people who happen to have a fanbase; you shouldn't believe that a celebrity is a "better person" just because they are famous.
Guest User 702, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
It's not accountability culture that we're talking about, it's cancel culture -- meaning people's entire lives are ruined because of a tweet that they made decades ago or having a differing opinion on certain topics. None of that should be enough to cancel someone's entire life.
Guest User 673, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
intention does not equal outcome
Guest User 495, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Holding people accountable for their actions is a good thing, but it should not be taken to the extreme that every little online post from decades ago should determine a person's professional future, especially if they have appropriately apologized where needed and have changed their opinions or actions
NYCdebater, 25 views, 2 rebuttals, 1
A culture where "every little online post from decades ago determines a person's professional future" simply does not exist. Yes, there have been very many instances where being have found fault with, for example, a sexist tweet made by a celebrity 20 years ago. However, nobody has ever gotten fully cancelled for something they have apologized and resolved to do better on before.
YourBoyHans, 9 views, 1 rebuttals, 0
What about Kevin Hart not getting to host the Oscars because of his tweets from a decade ago.
Hi, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
The censorship and mob behavior caused by 'wokeness' and canceling is comparable to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Cancel culture is just taking 2 steps back without even taking 1 step forward.
dababy, 10 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
R u dababy???
Guest User 549, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
We're better off engaging people politely and explaining where we disagree. Cancel culture doesn't allow for that. It is lynch mob mentality for political differences.
Guest User 297, 2 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
No, it is not. Cancel culture is harmful for free society. There is no 'right opinion' and people _could_ make some mistakes in life.
Guest User 275, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0