Are “All Bodies Beautiful”?
Gigglesaurus, December 2, 2021, 1479 views, 5
There are no objective beauty standards, so being beautiful is simply a personal opinion. If one thinks of themselves as beautiful, then they are.
SubwayRider, 79 views, 2 rebuttals, 0
*you're. And also- It still applies. If you think of yourself as beautiful, then you are. It doesn't matter what other people think.
SubwayRider, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
But what if everyone thinks your ugly
Your_friendly_n..., 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
There are objective beauty standards though. For instance, there is no place in the world where it is more beautiful to be obese than skinny.
Guest User 669, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
What you say is true, but not in support of the pro side at all. It is exactly because beauty standards are subjective that the phrase "All Bodies are Beautiful" holds no truth, as not everyone thinks of their body as beautiful. This is an argument for the Con side . . .
Guest User 132, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Yes and no. It's true that beauty standards are highly subjective (see tribes, feet kinks, etc). On the other hand you have theory of evolution that basically tells us that the most fit specimen, that is, the specimen that is able to adapt to their environmental changes (etc) thrives. Most creatures judge their partners by a certain standards (lively feathers, mane, skin etc) which usually are associated with good health and longevity. All of this to help maximize the likelihood of their offspring surviving. Anything else about this meme is a pure and utter exercise in ignorance (maybe it's itself an exercise in survival).
Guest User 274, 11 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
NO just because you want to justify to yourself that your terrible eating habits are okay it’s not a n excuse. Get in shape and get off your ass.
Duppend, 19 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Ok so if you are about to leave a comment for the pro side and you see this, please consider this question. If someone is 500 pounds, and they are on the verge of dying of a heart attack, can you tell that person with full honesty that their body is beautiful? If you cannot say that, than all bodies are not beautiful.
Will Brody, 3 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
All bodies are not beautiful. Yes, you can have subjective preferences. However even if someone likes fatties, would they like skinny equally? Preferences mean you prefer one over the other. Therefore some are always less desirable. Easy to understand how this is a contradiction in terms. If people put half the work into taking care of themselves as they in linguistic gymnastics...
Guest User 281, 2 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Nope, it is just insane. How something be beautiful if you don't like it?
Guest User 266, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
All bodies are beautiful, except for the ugly ones. And that's on god.
Guest User 149, 20 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
That's a good one.
Guest User 747, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
words to live by
Guest User 309, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
I think the slogan has some merit but is counterproductive. It is no secret that obesity correlates with a bevy of negative health outcomes, so by normalizing and even glorifying unhealthy bodies, you are hurting people more than helping them.
Hi, 30 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
No one is glorifying unhealthy bodies by encouraging people to view their own bodies with respect and love. Furthermore, the idea that only a certain body type can be unhealthy is extremely harmful and simply false. Eating disorders happen to a variety of body types. By degrading body types who don't conform to a certain standard, one often encourages unhealthy eating habits. Health concerns are real and valid, but self-hate is never helpful.
Guest User 136, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
ur mom case closed
dababy, 327 views, 0 rebuttals, 5
how is this the #1 comment.
Guest User 746, 1 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Satire- The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Take a damn joke Guest User 164
Guest User 307, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
That is pretty disrespectful, especially when it is people's bodies involved . . .
Guest User 164, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Whether or not someone is "beautiful" is a personal opinion, and people and cultures have different standards of beauty, therefore making it impossible for all bodies to be beautiful in everyone's opinion.
Guest User 95, 43 views, 0 rebuttals, 0
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The argument is not that all bodies are objectively beautiful in the eyes of everyone, but rather that everybody can be viewed as beautiful by another.
admin, 0 views, 0 rebuttals, 0